Green through and through

From the day we first came to Treworgey, we’ve been acutely aware of our responsibilities – not just towards the land we own and the wildlife and flora we share it with – but to the local community. 

We use the land that came with Treworgey for grazing our horses and sheep, along with cattle owned by a neighbouring farmer. We also grow a biofuel called miscanthus, which fuels the heating and hot water for all the cottages, as well as for the pool. This has cut our use of fossil fuels to a tiny fraction of what it was.


In harmony with nature

We use no pesticides or fertilizers other than manure on the miscanthus, and we keep pesticide use to an absolute minimum in our gardens. We sensitively maintain our hedgerows to promote wildlife and choose garden plants that encourage bees and other insects. All cottages have recycling and compost bins, [and we encourage guests to fill bottles with water from our own borehole rather than buying bottled water].


Green technology

We’ve been investing in green technologies since 2005 when we installed a ground source heat pump to provide heating and hot water (now replaced by our renewable miscanthus-fuelled Biomass Heating System), followed by a wind turbine a couple of years later. In the years that followed, we invested in solar panels, storage batteries and glass solar tubes, and we’re still investing in new green technologies nearly 20 years later.  The majority of our power is now generated on-site by renewable means.


Keeping it local

The vast majority of our suppliers are within a 10-mile radius; we want to support the local economy, promote employment, and help money to stay in Cornwall

And our team of around 30 people is all local, and many have been with us for over a decade (one for 40 years!). [We encourage all our staff to car share where possible and will happily pick up car-free guests from our local train station at Sandplace.


Guests say...

"It is rare to find a cottage that is everything you hope for as Laurel is. Absolutely beautifully put together - even the garden is perfect and of course the stunning view. In terms of comfort -wow!! The beds are fantastic, warm heating, spotlessly clean bathrooms. One in a million and we will be back!!"


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