Riding Request Form


Personal details

Please could each person who would like to ride complete a separate form.
Please complete all mandatory fields marked *
You are strongly advised not to ride if you are pregnant. For safety reasons please do not wear jewellery. Please wear sensible footwear with a sturdy heel (not trainers). Unfortunately we cannot let you ride with inappropriate footwear because it is unsafe.

Your riding experience



Please read the list of options below and select the appropriate options.
We are unable to guarantee the times you request but we will endeavour to match you as closely with your times as availability allows.
A. ½ hr Private Lesson £33.00
B. ½ hr Semi-Private Lesson (2 people) £25.00 per person
C. ½ hr Lead Rein Hack (under 5s to be accompanied by parent/guardian) £22.00 per person
D. 1 hr hack with trotting (intermediate or experienced riders only) £35.00 per person
E. 10 minute escorted walk (from stables and around school*) £12.00 per person
F. ½ hr private lesson for competition riders (taught by Holly, Sarah or Linda, who have ridden at BE Int or Adv and jumped BS up to 1.25m. Linda is BHSII) * £40.00
G. Pony Club Afternoon (school holidays only) £30.00

*Option B. is only available if you have enough participants within your group or family staying at Treworgey.
*Option D. is subject to availability and is at the riding instructor’s discretion after a brief assessment in the school. Please never overtake the leader of the ride unless they have made the express request that you do so. The leader of the ride must be obeyed at all times reserves the right to cut short a ride if they deem a situation unsafe.
*Option E. must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
*Option F. Available for guests who have competed at or above BE90, BS90 and/or BD levels.

Please note that riding prices are subject to change.

Afternoon activities - In peak times look out for additional horse and pony activities and Pony Club on some afternoons, depending on demand. If we have activities available while you are here we will email you prior to your arrival.

Guests say...

"What a delightful cottage -perfect for a break with 2 kids 2 and a half and 4. Had great fun in play area, sand pit and a lovely ride on Bramble. Thank you all.. Back soon for 3rd visit."


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